Between the previous research period in 2018/2019 and 2020, the security situation had
deteriorated requiring special government permission to conduct the study across Cabo Delgado.
The IRP builds on the quantitative research conducted in Nampula however it is innovative in
being the first to apply a mixed method design of both qualitative and quantitative research
methods to understand community resiliencies in Cabo Delgado.
The Identifying Resiliencies Project at a glance:
17 Districts ofCabo Delgado Province were identified for the initial fieldwork
5 Districts deemed inaccessible due to rising insecurity
1643 households targeted in the initial sample size
1578 households visited across 12 Districts
839 interviews successfully conducted
40 Focus Group Discussions conducted
480 FGD participants
The objectives for the research were to:
To map communities vulnerable to violent extremism in the affected districts of Cabo Delgado.
To identify the risk and protective factors for radicalization amongst the youth in Cabo
Overall, the research found that high levels of resilience exist across the districts of Cabo
Delgado, however more information is required regarding;
the identity and objectives of the insurgents and the causes of the insurgency,
existing cultural differences within communities and how these communities experience the violence, their attitudes towards government, law enforcement and insurgent forces.
greater efforts should be made to increase community trust and confidence in gove
October 2020 marked 3 years since the local violent extremist organisation Ansar al Sunna (or
Al-Shabaab) began their attacks in the northern region of Mozambique. Since then, the violence
has resulted in the death and injury of thousands and the internal displacement of tens of
thousands more threatening to derail the country’s extractive industries and socio-economic
development plans, potentially destabilizing the region.
The window for intervention is narrowing as the insurgency as the insurgency becomes more
sophisticated in its ability to radicalize and recruit individuals, capture and hold urban areas, or
isolate entire districts from the province, further preventing humanitarian aid workers from
accessing these areas. A greater understanding is needed on the radicalization and recruitment
methods of the VEO in order to design and implement targeted interventions aimed at reducing
the spread of violent extremism across Cabo Delgado, Mozambique.
Date: 2020
Funders: Canadian High Commission, DAI, the Australian Direct Aid Program and Private Donors
Locations: Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique

Identifying Resiliencies in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique
In early 2020, ALPS Resilience along with the Centro de Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais
da Universidade Joaquim Chissano (CEEI-UJC) launched the multi-donor funded “Identifying
Resiliencies in Cabo Delgado Mozambique” project (IRP). The IRP is an extension of our
previous quantitative research conducted in 2018/2019 towards surveying resilience and
mapping at-risk communities.